Program|A.I.M Conference

The Second International Conference 

A.I.M Israel 2017 -
Advanced International Medicine Conference

February 8  |  10:00-15:00  |  Hall I

With the aim of aiding the development of medical tourism & international medicine in Israel, the conference will showcase major trends and developments in the field.

Israel is an in-demand international venue for medical tourism, which in its heyday generated revenues of more than $300 million a year. The proceeds from this activity assist hospitals and contribute to the improvement of Israel's health system as a whole.


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jacky Ovadia, Conference Chairperson, Director of Medical tourism at Clalit Health Services

Has the Chinese Sleeping Dragon Awakened?

The Future of the Sino-Israel G2G Agreement
Prof. Arnon Afek, Israel Ministry of Health Deputy Director General
The Chinese Sleeping Dragon Has Awakened – Unique Challenges of the Chinese Market
Jonathan Bental, Deputy General Manager, Hainan Airlines  |  Former Director of the Israel Government Tourist Office, China
The Special Importance of a Medical Tourism Agent in China
Paula Keusch & Tamara Sugar, Owners of Check In Israel

Guest speaker

“Evaluation of European Medical Tourism Market”
Mert Akkok ,B2B Encounters, Turkey

Innovation as a Lever for International Medicine

Dr. Ziv Rosenbaum, Director, Medical Technology, Clalit Health Services
Dr. Michal Hemmo-Lotem, Vice President for Innovation, Sheba Medical Center Fund
Dr. Nadav Ben-Haim, Director of Rambam MedTech
Dr. Menashe Benjamin, Founder and Managing Director, Algotec

Loewenstein Success Story

Arthur Kaziev MBA, Head of Medical Tourism Unit

Medical Tourism Law: Threat or Opportunity?

Noaz Bar Nir, Secretary General, Israel Hotel Association and Former Director General, Israel Ministry of Tourism
Oleg Shulman, President of ITAMAR, the Union of Israel Medical Tourism Companies
Mark Katznelson, Chairman of the Israeli Medical Tourism Association
Prof. Ari Shamiss, CEO, Assuta Medical Center
Ronit Segal Hirshberg, Ph.D. CEO Rambam Health Corporation Managing Director, Economics and Marketing Division

Comic Relief

Humor and Laughter - Care Support Tool
Shlomi Elgossi,
Comedian, Israel's First Medical Clown

The conference will be of interest to travel agents, hospital and medical clinic staff, suppliers, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.

General Information

The event is scheduled to take place between the hours of 10:00-15:00 at the Tel Aviv Convention Center, Hall I.

It is for professionals in the field, free of charge, thought advance registration is required.

The number of participants is limited.

The program is subject to change.

Click here to register.