About|Contact us

IMTM is organized by: 
ORTRA Ltd. - one of Israel’s major congress and exhibition organizers, and by
I.T.N  - Israel Travel News Ltd. - Israel’s only major tourism publishing house  

IMTM Secretariat

(C/O Ortra Ltd.)
Phone: 972-3-638 4444
Fax: 972-3-638 4455
E-Mail: imtm@ortra.com 
Website: 2017.imtm-telaviv.com

IMTM Organizers
1 Nirim Street, P O Box 9352, Tel Aviv 61092
Phone: 972-3-638 4444
Fax: 972-3-638 4455
E-Mail: info@ortra.com
Website: www.ortra.com
Israel Travel News Ltd.
11 Gush Etzion Street, Givat Shmuel 54030
Phone: 972-3-525 1646
Fax: 972-3-972-525 1605
E-Mail: travel01@netvision.net.il
Website: www.itn.co.il